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CJC 231: Constitutional Law

Suggested Print Books

Book title: Interpreting the Constitution
Book title: The soul of the First Amendment
Book title: Illegal: How America's Lawless Immigration Regime Threatens Us All
Book title: Standoff

Ebook collections

Browsing the Shelves

Print books are shelved upstairs in the Library by subject area. Each book has a label attached to the spine with an alphanumeric code, known as the call number. The following suggests the call number ranges for this subject: 

K3154-3370: Constitutional law

K3161: Constitutional history

K3169: The state

K3171-3179: Constitutional principles

K3184-3188 :Form and structure of government

K3195: National territory

K3201: Foreign relations administration

K3220: Public policy

K3224-3278: Individual and state 

K3280-3282: Church and state

K3289-3367: Organs of government

K3290-3304: The people. Election law

K3310-3329: The legislature

K3332-3363: Heads of state and the central government

K3367: The judiciary

K3370: Constitutional courts and procedure

K5000-5582: Criminal law and procedure