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New Database: Academic Video Online

Academic Video Online is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers over 70,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas. Titles include videos on anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. 

New Resource: Dogwood Digital Library

Las Vegas style neon sign advertising 24 hour access to ebooks

Dogwood Digital Library (DDL) allows students, staff, and faculty to borrow electronic books, audiobooks, and magazines to read on their phone, tablet, or eReader using the Libby app. 

When logging into the platform, click the "Sign in" link. Select "Richmond Community College" from the drop down menu and sign into it with your college credentials. 

Calculators and Chargers Available

Student working at computer

Students may now borrowTI-30Xa scientific calculators from the library. They circulate for 1 week. 

Additionally, the library offers 4-in-1 chargers for cell phones (USB-C, micro USB, and Apple). These circulate for 4 hours.