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Books provide in-depth coverage of a specific topic. They may not include current information on a topic as the writing and publishing process takes time. The Library owns print, audio, and electronic book collections.
Use your email username and password for off-campus access.
Print books are shelved upstairs in the Library by subject area. Each book has a label attached to the spine with an alphanumeric code, known as the call number. The following suggests the call number ranges for this class:
QC 251 - 338.5: Heat
QC 310.15 - 319: Thermodynamics
TH 3301 - 3411: Maintenance and repair
TH 4021 - 4977: Buildings; Construction
TH 7005 - 7699: Heating and ventilation; Air conditioning
TP 480 - 498: Low temperature engineering; Refrigeration
TP 751 - 762: Gas industry
The Library owns several eBook collections. You can access these collections off-campus using your RichmondCC credentials (email username and password). The two collections most relevant to your needs are:
You have several options if we do not own a book you need.
Not sure which option you should choose? Call us at (910) 410-1749 and ask for a librarian. Email us anytime at