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Journal Display

Smithsonian magazine cover
Art in America
Art Journal magazine cover

Article Database

The following databases provide articles for your course:

Search Tips

Use the following tips to improve your searches.

Search Terms: Create a list of key concepts and terms related to your subject. Try using a synonym of your search term if your initial search does not provide helpful results.

Combine Search Terms: Combine search terms with Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT).

Example: cancer AND (smoking OR tobacco) NOT astrology

Limit Results: Databases usually allow you to narrow your results down by publication date, item type (peer reviewed, newspaper, eBook, etc.), and other criteria.

Ask for Help: Ask a librarian for help. Seriously, ask us - we want to help you!

Article Services

You have several options if we do not own an article you need.

  • Fill out an InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Form here. When you request an article through ILL, a librarian will attempt to get it for you from another library. It may take a week for an article to arrive, assuming the librarian is successful in obtaining it. You will be contacted either way.
  • Fill out the Purchase Request Form here.  We will see about purchasing your request. Generally, journals and magazines are purchased around the start of the Fall semester.   

Not sure which option you should choose? Call (910) 410-1749 and ask for a librarian. Email us anytime at